Sunpring FRK Plant

Create and grow your
FRK Plant Business today

Start or expand your FRK Plant Business today by seizing the market opportunities, finding the best collaborators, and improving your products or services. Sunpring as a professional manufacturer of FRK Plant Machine will help you to get the most benefit.

Various Technical Solutions

We can provide various technical solutions for the factory efficiency of manufacturing FRK, such as installing equipment, upgrading software or increasing capacity, reducing equipment damage tips, extending FRK (Fortified Rice Kernel) plant extruder life, etc. We can also use our excellent marketing ability to help our agents develop the local market.

Delivery on Time

We have the capability or commitment to produce and deliver FRK Plant and related services within the agreed or anticipated timeframe. For an FRK manufacturer, on-time delivery can mean meeting the needs and quality standards of customers who need to strengthen their rice kernel (FRK) processing plants.

Fast Response

We have the ability of a business that deals with making FRK plant machine or services to communicate and act quickly and efficiently to meet the needs and expectations of our partners. Fast response for FRK Plant business means timely and accurate information, quotes, feedback, or solutions to inquiries, issues, or opportunities.

Combined Twin-Screw Design

– Combined Twin-Screw Design uses two counter-rotating screws.

– They have different geometries and functions for different processes.

– The technology can handle various materials and applications.

– Easy to disassemble and clean to improve life.

10 Years More Global Brand

– Choosing a reliable and reputable brand with a proven track record

– Getting high-quality and consistent products or services

– Receiving professional and experienced customer service and support.

– Leveraging the innovation and expertise of the brand.

We are Driven by Clients

– Having more confidence and trust in the products or services.

– Benefiting from the feedback and reviews of existing customers.

– Enjoying the economies of scale and lower prices.

– Accessing a large and active community of users.

Featured FRK Plant Model

Meet our Team

“A few years ago, for a company to have its employees all around the world was just a concept, specially for SME. At Sunpring, we made this concept into reality.”


“The best part of working at Sunpring Extrusion is actually the feeling that your follow workers came from dofferent parts of the world, everybody good at different areas, but there’s a strong power of teamwork to reach the same goal.”

MARCUS – Google Data Analytic

“As a part of Sunpring’s IT team, we understand our customer by data and give them the best experience. Working with Sunpring staff internationally is also an awesome experience for me.”

TORGE – SEO Specialist

Let’s work together on your
next FRK Plant project

By delivering quality projects that meet your needs and expectations, we can enhance your customer satisfaction and retention. Moreover, FRK project benefits can support the organizational objectives and improve your company’s performance and reputation.